Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Song of Roland Essay - 595 Words

Roland is not depicted as a hero in every way. In what particular way does his heroism cause him to fail himself and others, and what does that tell us about the culture out of which the poem emerges? The Song of Roland is a heroic epic that depicts the tragic defeat of Roland, the courageous leader of Charlemagne’s army. Within the epic Roland is not depicted as a hero in every way. I believe that Roland’s pride eventually becomes the root cause of his failure to himself and to others. It is this pride that Roland carries that sheds light upon the culture out of which the poem emerges. In this culture during the late 700’s, pride in one’s religion is expected and upheld to great extents such as sacrifice. The Song of Roland was†¦show more content†¦I believe that Roland knew that his stepfather would not go to King Marsilion and used that to his advantage to prove himself to Charlemagne. Proving his pride for himself. Additional proof of Roland’s pride that causes him to fail himself and the other Crusaders is his hard-headedness to call for help when being attacked by Saracens. In the Song of Roland, Roland’s biggest enemy is his stepfather Ganelon. Out of spite, Ganelon organizes forces led by the Saracens to detour Roland and separate him from the Christian forces. Being the proud person he is, Roland refuses to sound the battle horn to call for help. His pride leads to a massacre of Charlemagne’s army. Throughout The Song of Roland pride seems to be a major theme. Roland is not the only one with extreme pride for what he believes in. Without pride for religion, I believe, that there would not be a crusade, let alone the story of Roland. With this poem taking place in the latter part of the 700’s, religion and pride in one’s religion was taken veryShow MoreRelatedThe The Song Of Roland 1289 Words   |  6 Pagesknights depicted in the â€Å"The Song of Roland† are a demonstration of the fierce warriorship, aggressiveness, and deep faith of French Knights. A code of chivalry or gallantry existed among these men. At the top of this code of conduct were the highly regarded virtues of honor, faithfulness, courage, compassion, truth, and obedience. Noble knights prized the wares of their trade, such as fine warhorses, armory, battle skills, and fine regalia. In this epic poem, Roland and the other Knights showRead MoreWhat Is The Theme Of The Song Of Roland1747 Words   |  7 PagesThe Song of Roland is the foundation of the French literary tradition. One of the earliest poems written in French, it describes the process by which France left behind its Germanic past as a loose confederation of powerful families and accepted its future as a Christian nation united by loyalties to king and country. This story is told as a clash of powerful personalities who are together engaged in a holy war against the Muslims in Spain. Unfortunately, the role of ignorance and jealousy combiningRead MoreLa Chanson De Roland, And The Song Of Roland1802 Words   |  8 PagesLa Chanson de Roland, or The Song of Roland, is the oldest surviving French poem. It is also the oldest and greatest of the chansons de geste, medieval epic poems written in French. In old French, geste means a deed or action, often of heroic proportions. A hundred or so of these epic poems survive, dating from around the year 1100 to the late fourteenth century. In their time, they were exceedingly popular. Although we know neither the identity of The Song of Roland s composer nor the date ofRead MoreThe Song Of Roland, By A Nonspecific Poet1890 Words   |  8 PagesThe Song of Roland, written by a nonspecific poet around 1100, is a historical satire recollection of a duke’s final battle around 778 that is loosely based on the events of Charlemagne’s rear-guard that was ambushed. A specific aspect concerning this document deals with the religious history and influence during the Crusades, and furthermore how religious figures influenced society at that time. Ultimately, the document served as a tool for soldier recruitment implemented by the Church; servingRead MoreThe Song of Roland: The Story of King Charlemagnes Nephew603 Words   |  2 PagesThe Song of Roland tells the story of King Charlemagne’s nephew, Roland, and the attack of the French rearguard caused by Ganelon’s betrayal. An epic hero is someone who is braver, stronger, and smarter than an ordi nary person that a society admires and wishes to emulate. An epic hero also fights for a noble cause, for their King or for those who cannot defend themselves. Roland is a perfect example of an epic hero. Along with being an epic hero, Roland is also a true knight, and lives his life accordingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Song Of Roland1645 Words   |  7 PagesThe Song of Roland The Song of Roland is an incredible French epic poem written around AC. 1030-1070. The main story is that of religious wars between the Christian warrior and Muslims. It is believed that the story in the poem is based on an actual happening back in time. The author of the poem is unknown and is also believed to be the oldest French poem surviving to date. The story stands out among many old epic poems in terms of its relevance, style and structure. Unlike many stories, The SongRead MoreThe Song Of Roland And The Iliad933 Words   |  4 Pages The Song of Roland and The Iliad are both epics that represent the cultural viewpoints of medieval France, and Ancient Greece, respectively. The Song of Roland, based on historical fact, details the heroism of one of Charlemagne’s knights, Roland, when fighting against an overwhelming force of foreigners to defend the rear of Charlemagne’s army. In comparison, The Iliad accounts the triumphs of Achilles during the mythical Trojan Wars to win possession over the beauty of Helen. Despite similaritiesRead MoreThe Song of Roland and Christianity1483 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Song of Roland and Christianity The Song of Roland is indeed a Christian poem. Of this, there is no question. However, it is a medieval version of Christianity that it presents, and not one that would be something familiar to the early Christians or to the actual followers of Jesus of Nazareth. By the time the Song of Roland was written, Christianity had changed drastically from its early days. Instead of being a mild, humble, and peaceful group of persecuted people who were outside the normsRead MoreReligious Conflicts in The Song of Roland1326 Words   |  5 PagesThe French epic, The Song of Roland, relates the conflicts between Christians and Muslims in 778 A.D. In it, Charlemagne and his men, weary in their seventh year of battle against pagan forces in Spain, have captured every heathen stronghold but the kingdom of Saragossa, held by the Muslim king Marsile. Terrified of the might of Charlemagne’s army, Marsile promises treasures, hostages and his conversion to Christianity if the Franks will go bac k to France. However, Marsile has no intention of surrenderingRead More Prejudice in The Song of Roland Essay1718 Words   |  7 PagesPrejudice in The Song of Roland Unfortunately, the role of ignorance and jealousy combining to breed fear and hatred is a recurring theme in history ultimately exhibiting itself in the form of prejudice. As demonstrated through the altering of historical events in The Song of Roland, the conflict between the Christian and Islamic religions takes precedence over the more narrow scope of any specific battle and is shaped, at least in part by the blind perception of a prejudice born of the ignorance

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Blues Essay Example For Students

The Blues Essay One can surely conclude that without the blues the face of music would be very different today. Originating in Africa during the time when Africans were being extracted for the slave trade, the blues found its way into the southern United States. This form of music dipped into the emotions felt by lonely slaves removed from their families and native land. Perhaps the only common thing between blacks and whites in this turbulent time were these notes of sorrow. White people accepted their slaves music and compared their misery to their own. This parallel was one of the only things shared by the clashing races. Since then the blues have worked their way into all forms of contemporary music. Jazz, Rock and Roll, Bluegrass and even Rap are based on the patterns and principles of the Blues. This is why it is a turning point. Without this African influence it is obvious that most forms of music would be different if not nonexistent today. Blues legend B.B. King is a perfect example of the musics diversity. In addition to the original blues he has played songs with other artists in the fields of Rap, Rock and Roll and even Reggae. In the nineteen sixties a turning point in the blues themselves sparked a turning point in the nation. The audience went from mainly African American to mainly white. This set the stage for artists like Eric Clapton to apply their musical talent to the art form. This, in turn, helped melt the blues into mainstream American culture. Rap artists have two main influences going back to tribal Africa. Reggae is based on percussion rhythms from central Africa and many political messages from this music are apparent in todays urban music. The other, the blues, have influenced the musical melodies laced over the tribal beats. It is easy to see how this musical form has produced and influenced music far beyond the continent of Africa. Although mostly prominent in North America the blues have been hugely popular in Europe, changing and inventing musical styles there as well. The blues are truly a musical phenomenon. Bibliography:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wat is betekenisgeving Essay Example

Wat is betekenisgeving? Essay Inleiding Betekenisgeving in de context new wave organisatieverandering is een begrip digital audiotape ontleend is van sensemaking . In de wetenschapelijke literatuur zijn een aantal invloedrijk stromingen Te onderkennen dice zich met sense-making of ook wel sensemaking bezighouden. Drie mensen zijn op dit minute leidend in de discussie over sense-making Karl E. Weick, sociaal-psycholoog, heeft dot begrip voor het eerst Ge A ; iuml ; ntroduceerd in zijn boek The Social Psychology of Organizing nut verder uitgewerkt in Sensemaking in Organizations . Weick verstaat onder sensemaking : The combination of a past minute + connexion + present minute of experience creates a meaningful definition of the present state of affairs. ( Weick ) Brenda Dervin, communicatie deskundige, gebruikt het begrip sense-making vanuit haar ide A ; euml ; n over ( massa ) -communicatie en kennis direction. Dervin heeft het over een Sense-Making benadering: Sense- Making attack is in actuality a set of premises, a theoretic position, a methodological attack, a set of research methods, and a pattern. The attack was originally developed to measure how patients/ audiences/ users/ clients/ citizens make sense of their intersections with establishments, media, messages, and state of affairss and to so use the consequences in antiphonal communication/ information system design ( Dervin ) David J. Snowden, filosoof en kennis direction deskundige, gebruikt sensemaking vanuit zijn idee A ; euml ; n over kennis direction, zijn theorie is vooral op de praktijk gericht, zoals hij zelf zegt. Dave Snowden kiest een holistische benadering: sense-making is the manner that humans choose between multiple possible accounts of sensory and other input as they seek to conform the phenomenological with the existent in order to move in such a manner as to find or react to the universe around them ( Snowden ) We will write a custom essay sample on Wat is betekenisgeving? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wat is betekenisgeving? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wat is betekenisgeving? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In de Nederlandse literatuur wordt het begrip sensemaking wel eens vertaald ALSs zingeving . Dit is echter een ander begrip en gebaseerd op het geven new wave zin aan het leven en heeft een koppeling met geloof, rede, logos en esthetiek. Sensemaking is gebaseerd op making sense out of.. en betekenisgeving heeft betrekking op geven new wave betekenis aan.. Het cre A ; euml ; ren van betekenissen vindt continue plaats is een onderdeel new wave het handelen van mensen. Door betekenisgeving construeren we een werkelijkheid nut deze is aanleiding voor ons denken en doen. Het is een proces dat mensen dagelijks gebruiken om inhoud Te geven aan gebeurtenissen om biddy heen hierdoor worden verhalen gevormd over de werkelijkheid. Sensemaking volgens Karl E. Weick Weick, sociaal psycholoog, stelt dat Sensemaking ( betekenisgeving ) en digital audiotape dot in drie fasen verloopt: Enactment ( ENAC ) is heated proces waarbij gebeurtenissen in de omgeving gesignaleerd worden. Wat gesignaleerd wordt, is afhankelijk van de eigen subjectieve waarneming en de eigen acties in de richting new wave de omgeving. Het betreft de selectie van de ?ruwe data? dice inde volgende stappen begrijpelijk gemaakt moet worden. Selectie ( SEL ) is heated proces waarbij de geselecteerde, maar nog steeds ambigue, informatie dice is opgenomen in de enactmentfase, verklaard wordt door Er een begrijpelijke structuur in aan Te brengen. Eerdere ervaringen zijn sterk bepalend voor de uitkomsten van deze fase. Maar ook eigen acties op footing new wave de in de enactmentfase geselecteerde gebeurtenis, en de reactie van de omgeving hierop, helpen informatie minder ambigue Te krijgen. Retentie ( RET ) betreft de opslag van de geselecteerde en Ge A ; iuml ; nterpreteerde informatie. De tijdens de retentiefase opgeslagen informatie, is van invloed op zowel de wijze heated evolutiemodel new wave Weick waarop work forces de omgeving benadert ( passage ) als de wijze waarop work forces uit de omgevinggeselecteerde informatie voor zichzelf verklaart ( selectie ) . Op papier lijkt dot proces te bestaat uit keurig opvolgende fasen. In de praktijk vinden deze fasen gelijktijdig plaats. Het resultaat new wave dot enactment-selectie-retentie proces is een actief gecre A ; euml ; erd beeld new wave de omgeving. Een retentie omvat zowel kennis new wave objecten ALSs van gebeurtenissen, evenals de relaties daartussen. Retenties kunnen vari A ; euml ; ren in abstractie, kunnen elkaar omvatten of uitsluiten en zijn flexibel, maar zijn ook richtinggevend voor nieuwe observaties. Retenties representeren daarmee ( een deel new wave ) de werkelijkheid. Betekenisgeving is voor mensen zo?n basale activiteit digital audiotape het bijna niet opvalt. We doen heated bijna automatisch ; we staan amper stil bij de wijze waarop onze betekenissen ontstaan. Dit maakt het lastig om een goed voorbeeld Te vinden in de praktijk. Het theoretical account laat de betekenis van zelfversterkende processen zien. Wat iemand doet, hangt af new wave wat hij over de omgeving weet. Wat iemand over de omgeving weet wordt weer bepaald door wat hij waarneemt. Wat iemand waarneemt bent af new wave wat hij doet. Hiermee is de cirkel gesloten: het denken en het handelen versterken zichzelf. Weick gebruikt hiervoor het woord enacted environment : mensen leven in een wereld dice zij door Hun handelen zelf gecre A ; euml ; erd hebben. Retenties zijn niet statisch. Iedere nieuwe ervaring biedt de mogelijkheid tot verandering van retenties. Retenties zijn richtinggevend voor hoe work forces de wereld om zich heen ervaart. Eerdere ervaringen kleuren gebeurtenissen en daarmee de betekenis dice zo?n gebeurtenis krijgt. Maar om retenties te veranderen, moet betekenis worden gegeven aan de nieuwe informatie. Dat kan alleen door in interactie met de omgeving Te begrijpen waarom het anders is dan je retenties voorspellen. Sense-Making volgens Brenda Dervin De Sense-Making ( allow op het streepje ) benadering new wave Dervin is gebaseerd op raamwerk new wave veronderstellingen dice tot een methodologie Leiden. Door methodisch vragen Te stellen, gegevens te verzamelen nut analyses te maken is de theorie onderbouwd. De benadering is sinds 1972 in ontwikkeling, hoofdzakelijk door Brenda Dervin. De theorie komt voort uit het communicatieonderzoek new wave Dervin nut heeft momenteel vertakkingen naar verschillende andere disciplines zoals informatiekunde en kennismanagement. Het proces om betekenis Te geven aan informatie wordt gezien ALSs een een onderdeel new wave communicatiekunde ( Spurgin 2006, Dervin 2003 ) Sense-making kan niet in een paar zinnen worden samengevat. De drie belangrijkste veronderstellingen die aan de theorie 10 grondslag liggen zijn: ( a ) het mogelijk is om communicatie systemen te ontwerpen en deze aan Te passen voor gebruik door mensen ; ( B ) het voor mensen mogelijk is om communicatie repertories te vergroten ( degree Celsius ) digital audiotape dot resultaat bereikt kan worden bereikt door een methodologische opzet new wave communicatie. De kern new wave het werk new wave Dervin is gebaseerd op haar idee A ; euml ; n over discontinu A ; iuml ; teit. Er zitten gaten ( spreads ) tussen begrippen, tijd en ruimte ( state of affairs ) . Ieder individu heeft een Eigen begrip new wave de situatie en dot veranderd in tijd en ruimte maar staat ook in verhouding tot andere begrippen. Begrip kan in dot geval over andere mensen gaan, maar ook systemen en organisaties. Een individu is continue bezig om de gaten ( spreads ) in Te vullen door het bouwen new wave bruggen en door Te communiceren ( usage ) ( Spurgin 2006 ) Sense-Making volgens David J. Snowden Dave Snowden is A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n van de leidende figuren dice zich bezig houdt met de integratie van humanistiek en kennis direction waarbij het gebruik new wave technologie en proces ontwerp centraal staan. Snowden spreekt over betekenisgeving ALSs de manier waarop mensen kiezen tussen verschillende interpretaties van de informatie die zij hebben ontvangen en de wijze waarop ze dot in relatie breengen met werkelijkheid zoals die om Hun heen bestaat Centraal in het werk new wave Snowden staat het Cynefin theoretical account waarin hij een relatie legt tussen kennis, organisatie en complexiteit. Het theoretical account ( Kurtz, C. and Snowden, D. 2003 ) beschrijft 4 domeinen Het is belangrijk om huge te stellen digital audiotape het binnen de domeinen niet gaat om kennis new wave zaken binnen de maatschappij en organisaties. Het gaat nadrukkelijk niet over individuen. Known is een Ordered sphere : Oorzaak en gevolg liggen vast. Er kan gebruik gemaakt worden new wave voorspellende modellen. De focal point ligt op efficiency en het hergebruik new wave kennis en kunde. Data wordt opgenomen, gecategorisseerd en Er wordt gereageerd op een new wave Te voren vastgestelde manier. Gestructureerde technieken zijn in dot domein noodzakelijk. Knowable is een Ordered sphere : Oorzaak en gevolg zijn bekend maar niet alles is bekend. Bepaalde effecten kunnen optreden dice niet new wave Te voren bekend waren. Na onderzoek is heated mogelijk digital audiotape oorzaak en gevolg alsnog komen huge te liggen. In dot domein zijn vinden we het systeem denken en de lerende organisatie. Technieken dice hier gebruikt worden leggen de relatie tussen oorzaak en gevolg vast. Informatie wordt verzameld, geanalyseerd en een expert kan op footing hiervan een interpretatie geven. Un-ordered sphere: Complex relationships. Dit is heated domein new wave complexe theorien waar naar patronen en relaties gezocht wordt. Het is moeilijk om patronen Te voorspellen en te herkennen. Patronen dice zich stabiliseren lijken achteraf gezien logisch en verklaarbaar. Simulatie technieken kunnen patronen zichtbaar maken en/of activeren. Un-ordered sphere: Chaos. In de eerste drie domeinen was er sprake new wave oorzaak en gevolg. In dot domein new wave pandemonium zijn Er geen duidelijk relaties. Er weinig of niets te analyseren. In dot dot domein is heated belangrijk om actief en besluitvaardig Te zijn. Interventies zijn er op gericht om patronen cre A ; euml ; ren en daarmee meer zicht Te krijgen op de situatie. Overeenkomsten Wieck, Dervin en Snowden in betekenisgeving Bij individuen wordt sensemaking vooral ALSs een cognitieve activiteit gezien waarbij een nieuwe mentaal theoretical account wordt gecre A ; euml ; erd gebaseerd op de perceptie van huidige situatie, veranderingen op het theoretical account zoals die gedurende het verstrijken new wave de tijd worden doorgevoerd en reacties op nieuwe situaties ( Klein, 2006a ) In organisaties is sensemaking gemeenschappelijk proces waarbij een gedeeld bewustzijn voortkomt uit een begrip new wave het individueel perspectief. Het proces waarbij het individuele perspectief naar een gemeenschappelijk bewustzijn wordt getild is een socio-cognitieve activiteit ( Klein, 2006b ) . In hoofdlijnen hebben Weick, Dervin en Snowden de volgende overeenkomsten ( Browning,2005 ) : Herkennen en erkennen new wave complexiteit is beter dan dot Te onderdrukken door planningsmodellen. Het is belangrijk om fouten te herkennen, te erkennen en er van Te leren Zelf organiserend vermogen new wave mensen is iets wat geen ontwerper of directeur behoeft Verhalen zijn waardevol om de verschillende rollen Te laten zien en meerdere interpretaties te laten zien Het ondernemen van actie is in complexe en slecht Te controleren situaties is waardevol. Kleine stappen en beperkte acties kunnen zeer effectief zijn in complexe situaties Literatuur Browning, Larry and Boud A ; egrave ; s, Thierry, The usage of narrative to understand and react to complexness: A comparative analysis of the Cynefin and Weickian theoretical accounts Department of Business, University of Illinois, USA, Graduate School of Business, ESCP-EAP, FR Argyris, C. ( 1977 ) Double cringle acquisition in organisations , Harvard Business Review, Vol 55, Issue 5, pp115-125. Cohen, M.S. , Freeman, J.T. A ; Wolf S. ( 1996 ) Meta-recognition in clip stressed determination devising: Recognizing, critiquing, and rectifying. Human Factors, 38 ( 2 ) :206-219. Daft, R. and Weick, K. ( 1984 ) Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems , Academy of Management Review, Vol 9, No.2, pp284-295. Dervin, B. Sense-Making s Journey from Metatheory to Methodology to Method: An Example Using Information Seeking and Use as Research Focus. In Sense-making methodological analysis reader: selected Hagiographas of Brenda Dervin. Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ, 2003, 133-163. Dervin, B. ( 1983 ) . An overview of sense-making research: Concepts, methods and consequences. Paper presented at the one-year meeting of the International Communication Association. Dallas, TX. Klein, G. , Moon, B. and Hoffman, R.F. ( 2006a ) . Making sense of sensemaking I: alternate positions. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21 ( 4 ) , 70-73. Klein, G. , Moon, B. and Hoffman, R.F. ( 2006b ) . Making sense of sensemaking Ii: a cognitive theoretical account. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21 ( 5 ) , 88-92 Kurtz, C. and Snowden, D. ( 2003 ) The new kineticss of scheme: Sense-making in a complex and complicated universe , IBM Systems Journal, Vol 42, No.3, pp462-483. Nathan, M. ( 2004 ) How past becomes prologue: A sensemaking reading of the hindsight-foresight relationship given the fortunes of crisis , Futures 36, pp181-199. Piaget, J. ( 1972 ) . To Understand Is To Invent. New York: The Viking Press, Inc. Weick, K ( 1995 ) . Sensemaking in Organizations.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Spurgin, Kristina M ( 2006 ) The Sense-Making Approach and the Study of Personal Information Management, Personal Information Management A SIGIR 2006 Workshop

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

14 Resume Strategies for Recent Graduates

14 Resume Strategies for Recent Graduates Writing a resume can be hard even for the most seasoned professional. Writing one to net you your first job out of college can be downright terrifying. Here are 14  tricks you can use to maximize your chances of getting the interview, and getting your career off to a great start. 1. Use a professional email addressIt may have been a great laugh to be longduckdong16@yahoo.com back in the day, but now that you’re entering the adult world, it is high time to consider something a bit more†¦ mature. It might even help to create an address dedicated solely to job searching and your professional life. When in doubt, lastname.firstname or firstinitial.lastname@gmail.com ought to do the trick.2. Link to LinkedInIf you don’t already have a LinkedIn profile, make one. It will be a necessary tool for you now and in the many work years to come. Once you’ve set yourself up nicely, follow the instructions on the site to make a customized link, i.e. www.linkedin.com/in/Yo urNameMBA and include it in your resume. This will be particularly useful if you’re submitting a pdf; the recruiter will only have to click on the link to find your profile.3. Don’t pad it with fluffBS might have worked in your sociology intro class, but a professional hiring manager is going to see right through buzzwords like â€Å"team player† and â€Å"ambitious self-starter.† Try to be a bit more unique in your word choice and show your experience rather than relying on keywords. If your job description is clearly showcasing your teamwork or leadership skills, then you don’t need to oversell the point.4. OptimizeThat said, keywords are an important and useful tool, particularly when your resume might be evaluated online before reaching a sentient human. Rather than just include the usual â€Å"hardworking† and â€Å"strong leader† terms you think you have to include, try using keywords included in the job listing itself. Thatâ₠¬â„¢s a sure fire way to catch a company’s eye. Give them what they’re looking for!5. Leave high school out of itHiring managers are much more interested in your relevant work experience and what sort of work (and grades) you did in college. Also any skills or certifications you may have picked up along the way. Including high school education only makes you look like you’re desperate for filler. When in doubt, leave it out.6. Include your GPAIf your GPA is 3.0 or higher, go ahead and brag about it. And if your GPA within your major is even higher than that, showcase that achievement. They won’t care if you got a C+ in Underwater Basket-weaving. But if you have a 4.0 in Economics, they’ll be sure to pay attention.7. Don’t include your schoolworkWhile your GPA or major can be an asset in your job search, no recruiter really wants to know how you spent your class time (unless you did something really unique and exciting and/or prestigious). Th ey pretty much know what college is about- even specific to your major. Internships are much more relevant and impressive; focus on those.8. Play up your strong pointsIf you have a big internship or some other work experience that’s super impressive, lead with that. If you don’t, it’s okay to lead with other things, such as your grades, your intensive software knowledge, foreign language skills, programming experience, etc. If you have tons of honors but little work experience, you still might have enough oomph to get your foot in the door for an interview.9. Include company descriptionsFor each employer in your work history, include a brief description of the company- particularly if it isn’t a well known brand-name company that people will already be familiar with. Just a sense of the industry, the work done, and the work environment should do it. Keep it brief to maximize space.10. Use bulletsBullet points are an assertive visual way to draw a recruite r’s attention to exactly what you’d like for them to focus on. Go ahead and use this to your advantage. Bonus: you’ll get points for clear and eye-friendly formatting.11. Use action verbsLet your language do the bragging, especially if you don’t have a whole lot of work experience. You can put all the work verbs into sections describing your other experience. We’re thinking: managed, led, supervised, developed, created, built, etc.12. BragGo ahead and include any honors, scholarships, or extracurricular achievements you might have under your belt. Can’t hurt, might help.13. List your relevant skillsRead the job description carefully and multiple times. And be sure to pick out and list all of the skills it says are required for eligibility. Failure to list that you do, in fact, have fluency in that programming language, is your error. The recruiter isn’t responsible for knowing what you assume they should know. Make sure to explicitly list the things they’re looking for as things you can do.14. Don’t include referencesDon’t waste space on the â€Å"References available on request† line. It’s already implied. If they get close enough to hiring you to need them, rest assured that they will ask. You can also include this line in your cover letter instead.Now take a look at TopResume’s infographic showcasing what a perfect resume for recent college graduates would look like:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Find Glyphs and Icons for Application, Menu, Toolbar in Delphi

Find Glyphs and Icons for Application, Menu, Toolbar in Delphi A glyph in Delphi lingo is a bitmap image that can be displayed on a BitBtn or SpeedButton controls using the controls Glyph property. Glyphs and icons (and graphics in general) make your application user interface elements look professional and unique. Delphi controls and the VCL allow you to easily setup toolbars, menus and other user interface elements with custom graphics. Glyph and Icon Libraries for Delphi applications When you install Delphi, by design two image libraries are installed also. The standard Delphi bitmap and icon sets which you can locate in the Program Files\Common Files\CodeGear Shared\Images folder and a third-party GlyFx set. The GlyFX pack contains a large number of icons selected from many of the GlyFx stock icon sets, as well as wizard images and animations. The icons are supplied at various sizes and formats (but not all sizes and formats are included for all icons). GlyFx pack can be found in the \Program Files\Common Files\CodeGear Shared\Images\GlyFX folder. More Delphi Tips   Create Delphi Form from a StringDrag a Delphi Form Without the Caption BarUnderstanding the Birth, Life and Death of a Delphi Form

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Men's magazine and the gender represent in its industry Thesis

Men's magazine and the gender represent in its industry - Thesis Example magazines available in Australia tended to be a little biased in their projection of the contemporary male identity, giving more coverage to a specific ethnicity, and highlighting the views and preferences of that ethnicity. No wonder, such an approach towards the representation of male identity typically stereotyped the notions of male identity. In that context, this portrait shoot indeed managed to dilute such stereotypical representation of Australian men, bringing in a multicultural perspective, which is essentially an Australian concept. A. Well, nobody will deny the fact that Australia is a vibrant multicultural society. However, one essential aspect of multiculturalism is that people affiliated to different ethnicities and pursuing the same professions do tend to have different needs, aspirations and expectations. Yes, I do believe that the way people tend to project themselves and the way they manage their outlook is to a large extent shaped by where they were born and how they were raised and brought up. In that sense the given portrait shoot has successfully managed to project this fact. This portrait shoot has been able to make a successful use of the lighting, photographic techniques and color scheme to bring out the variations inherent in the selected four men, thereby on the one side highlighting the commonalities inherent in the standard image of an Australian male, but, at the same time, building on the ethnic typicality and variations of the four subjects in a way that celebrates their ethnicity and cult ure. I must say that in this sphere, this portrait shoot is indeed innovative and remarkable. A. Well, when I consider the fact that this portrait shoot had been compiled by a female artist, I find it both regular and insightful. In a way this portrait shoot is regular in the sense that the compiler has adhered to the basic fundamentals of photography and lighting, and it does not make it any special in comparison to any other artist, be it a male

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Psychology-Facial Feedback Hypothesis Experiment Replication Coursework

Psychology-Facial Feedback Hypothesis Experiment Replication - Coursework Example The two groups of five were taken into two different rooms and I briefed them on what they should do. Group A was the group that held the pens in their teeth and Group B is the group that held the pen in their lips. After a few minutes I received the results. Group B’s average rating was around 3.4 as Group A’s average rating was 4.2. However, I took an extra step, I called upon other friends and family members who have not taken the exam or know anything about the experiment. I had them repeat the test and the result were as follows: Group B’s Rating was 3.3 and Group A’s rating was 3.9. Group A had rated the strip to be funny compared to the other group which rated as average. With this I can conclude that Fritz Strack’s Hypothesis is right. This test does show that holding a pen in one’s teeth makes jokes funnier, but why? I believe that the working muscle groups can cause discomfort. When holding the pen in the teeth a person does not need much strain to keep the pen in place. Holding the pen by the lips however requires balancing and applying a firm hold with muscles that are generally weak. On the other hand, it is believed that smiling can make a person happy. Can a person holding the pen by their teeth horizontally affect his/her reaction to humor? Is there a different reaction if they hold the pen pointing out of the mouth? Possible external effects could include wallpapers. Wallpapers can be of different colors and designs. Colors are known to affect the human emotion; blue induces calm while orange induces excitement. Objects in the rooms and their states can also affect psyche. Other effects could be how the people in the groups react to humor. Some people easily find humor in simple situations and my family are of that kind. The consistency of the results could improve by conducting repeated tests on different groups. In order to pick up better results, I could have experimented to find an answer to these questions. I could

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Chinas Current Foreign Investment Environment Essay Example for Free

Chinas Current Foreign Investment Environment Essay Since the reform and opening up, Chinas utilization of foreign investment is developing constantly. Along with the continuous improvement of the investment environment, the scale of foreign investment into China has been continuing expanding, which making China became the worlds second largest inflow of funds country. In the backdrop of Chinas own economic development, in 2010, China became the second largest economy in the world, with a 5878. 6 billion dollars GDP at the same year.? Inside the country, foreign investments forming a large-scale foreign economy, and made important contribution to China’s economy and pushed it into the international economic system. I would like to talk about my own views about Chinas current foreign investment environment, and analyze its opportunities and challenges. The quality of investment environment is directly related to the ability to attract high-quality foreign capital investment. Investment environment affected by many factors, and these factors work together, such as national macroeconomic policies, the basic anagement system of national government, the level of infrastructures and so on. First, I’d like to analyze the advantage of Chinas current foreign investment environment, which directly related to the opportunity for China to attract foreign investment. Advantage: Good economic environment A countrys economic environment determines the future direction and development of the countrys economy, while China is in a good momentum of economic development stage. Chinas macro-control policies become more and more mature after years of development, and have accumulated a lot of valuable experience. These policies have played a catalytic role for the countrys overall economic development. In order to develop an opening-up economy, in 2001, China became a member of the WTO, provided a good opportunity to make Chinas economic more opening to the outside world and provide better investment environment. By accepting new things and developing Chinas own economic growth model, the level of Chinas economic grows rapidly. China has a strong domestic purchasing power, which reflects Chinas huge market size and market potential. According to the effective demand theory of Keynes, due to the economic crisis, there is a lack of effective demand in western countries. Effective demand makes up with consumer demand and investment demand. Diminishing marginal propensity to consume, diminishing marginal efficiency of capital and liquidity preference is the three major social and psychological factors resulting in lack of consumption demand and investment demand, and then reduce the investment rate in developed countries.? Thus, more foreign investors would turn to find a better place to invest, it is the opportunity of Chinas foreign investment environment. Advantage: Stable political environment Since Chinas reform and opening up, peoples living standards continue to improve, China’s international status and international influence also has been enhanced at the same time. China could maintain a stable developing social environment. This is the basic guarantee of the investment environment. For example, the reason why Wal-Mart invested a large amount of money on shopping plaza, Sam shops, and community shops in China, is that Wal-Mart believed China has a stable political and social environment. A stable political and social environment is an important factor that can nsure the safety of foreign investments. Advantage: Acceptable infrastructure China has the worlds largest infrastructure construction. After years of development, the level of Chinas infrastructure has been significantly improved. For example, the government invested a lot of money on the construction of transportation, electricity, water, and natural gas supply. The ability to provide materials and efficient transportation are favorable factors for attracting foreign investment. For example, Wal-Mart relies on its efficient logistics and distribution, and Wal-Mart decided to locate its distribution center in Tianjin. Tianjin is a coastal city, it not only reflects the natural advantage of Tianjin, but also reflects that in recent years, Tianjins tremendous achievements in constructing infrastructure. Advantage: Abundant labor China has the largest population in the world, and also provides a lot of cheap labor resources. Companies could enjoy cost advantages because of the cheap labor cost, especially in labor-intensive industries. China also has a comparative advantage in labor-intensive industries. Wal-Mart has 50,000 employees in China. The company gives their employees necessary training to meet the needs of high-tech industries and enjoys low cost of labor. Labor and capital are substitutes. In China, Wal-Marts development relies heavily on a lot of cheap labor. Imagine Wal-Mart has such a large number of employees in developed countries, the labor cost is much higher than in China, therefore, the actual profit must be affected. In this way, invest in China is a good choice for War-Mart. I have talked about the advantages of the foreign investment environment in China, and then I would like to talk about the disadvantages. Disadvantage: The laws of the market economy system are not perfect China joined the WTO in 2001, which means that China can be on an equal footing with the developed countries. However, Chinas current economy is a market economy with Chinese characteristics, which has some differences with the mature market economies in developed countries. Chinas market economy has been accepted for a short time, with little experience, many laws and regulations are unreasonable. Chinas legal basis, the legislative process, operational mechanism is still not completely turned to erve market economy. Some existing laws and regulations confront with the principles of market economy. In terms of implementation, many laws and regulations are not uniformed in the implementation process, which have caused lots of problems for foreign investors. The imperfect legal system also affects employee’s rights. For example, Wal-Mart, Dell, Kodak and other foreign companies are refused to establish union in China. Actually, there are few laws to protect employee’s rights in China. These foreign companies are not afraid of these imperfect laws. Foreign companies like Wal-Mart, has a long operation history in many countries around the world, has many experiences of how to deal with workers in many countries, the legal basis in China is still very weak. Disadvantage: Low government efficiency Bureaucracy and corruption is a significant problem of the government. In the Chinese government system, the institutional settings are bloated, some department’s functions are unclear, policies and regulations are not uniformed between the various departments. These problems are particularly serious in recent years, greatly limits the improvement of the foreign investment environment. Foreign investors lack of a complete understanding of the Chinese government, they will face a lot of problems but do not know how to deal with it. Disadvantage: The low efficiency of the financial sector According to a survey conducted by the World Bank, Chinas financial resources are concentrated on state-owned enterprises. For some companies with high potential, especially for some small and medium-sized private companies, they can not get strong financial support from the bank in a short time. Lack of support also leads these companies to the slow development or even the bankrupt. This is also a disadvantage to foreign investors. Foreign investors in China want to get the financial support have to face cumbersome procedures, mainly because of the financial institutions system is not perfect. At the same time, the interest rate is not determined by the market, which limits the flow of credit funds to the foreign companies, the private sector, and small enterprises. Disadvantage: The investment environment and labor distribution has regional differences China has large land area, but because of the natural causes, history and other factors, the investment environment and labor distribution are various from region to region. In the southeast coastal areas, infrastructure, labor resources, and policies are attractive to foreign investors. In the central and western regions, due to the geographical conditions and the limitations of natural resources, economic development is relatively slow, the policy is not attractive to foreign investors. For example, Wal-Mart opened 191 stores in China are mostly located in the southeast coastal areas. As shown below: Wal-Mart China mainland outlets maps Disadvantage: Resources and environmental constraints China is a big country. However, the resources for every person rank very low around the world. With the economic development, social development and the improvement of the consumption level, there are some limitations in the energy, land and other natural resources. China’s economic growth mainly depends on high pollution industries, and has not fundamental changed. Environmental pollution makes retail enterprises such as Wal-Mart faces a lot of problems in the procurement process. A lot of goods can not enter the mall because of the pollution. Chinas foreign investment environment and also be limited, therefore, the transformation of economic growth mode is the top item of Chinas current economic development. Summary In summary, the entry of foreign capital is an inevitable trend in China, which has made more demands on Chinas investment environment. How to use the opportunities and advantages of the Chinas investment environment are important issues need to be considered by the government. Only by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Chinas investment environment, developing relevant policies and regulations, increasing the anti-corruption efforts and transforming the economic development mode, China could improve the foreign investment environment to the next level. In this way, China could receive a more important role in the world economy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Wounded Knee:The Ties of Religion and Violence Essay -- Indian Religio

Wounded Knee: The Ties of Religion and Violence On the morning of December 29, 1890, many Sioux Indians (estimated at above two hundred) died at the hands of the United States Army near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The Indians were followers of the Ghost Dance religion, devised by Wovoka, a Paiute prophet, as a spiritual outlet for Indian repression by whites. The United States Army set out to intercept this group of Native Americans because they performed the controversial Ghost Dance. Both whites’ and the Sioux’s misunderstanding of an originally peaceful Indian religion culminated in the Battle of Wounded Knee. This essay first shows how the Ghost Dance came about, its later adaptation by the Sioux, and whites’ fear and misunderstanding of the Dance, then it appraises the U.S. military’s conduct during the conflict, and American newspaper coverage of events at Wounded Knee. The Ghost Dance prophet Wovoka was born in 1865 into the Paiute tribe of Nevada. In his early twenties, Wovoka experienced a significant tuning point in his life when he recovered from a coma at the same time of a solar eclipse (Hittman 17). He had been deathly ill with a severe fever that sent him into a coma. After recovering, Wovoka spoke of being transported to the spirit world and of speaking with the Great Spirit. Wovoka felt he had been given special powers and sought to help the Indian population. Also known as Jack Wilson, Wovoka endured to unite the Indian nations with a message of patience, kindness, and love. The Indians desperately needed hope and guidance in a time of great depression and anguish. The Indians had been uprooted from their natural homes by the encroachment of white settlers on their lands. The con... ..., Call No. F96.A3795 Last Days of the Sioux Nation, Robert M. Utley, 1961 (ch. 11 & 12 contained in WKPub; all pg numbers are in reference to that appearance) â€Å"Some Phases of the Recent Indian War.† Cited from Kerstetter, â€Å"Spin Doctors at Santee: Missionaries and the Dakota-Language Reporting of the Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee.† Western Historical Quarterly 1997 New York Times, â€Å"A Fight with the Hostiles.† December 30, 1890 p.1 c.4 New York Tribune, â€Å"Fighting at Pine Ridge.† January 1, 1891 p.1 c.3 â€Å"The agent further states that Sitting Bull is high priest and leading apostle of this latest Indian absurdity.† - R.V. Belt, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Oct. 24, 1890. â€Å"If he fights, destroy him.† - Fayette W. Roe, 1st Lieut. 3d Infty, A.D.C., in a letter to Maj. Whitside of the 7th Calvary, in reference to the Miniconjous chief Big Foot.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Federalism Essay

Although it is said that the national government is supreme the state government also has the same sovereignty on certain issues. Federalism began when the Constitution of the United States began to develop. It was a compromise of powers between state and national governments. The main reason for federalism was to be sure that one government did not hold more power over the other. So by separating the powers of the government it avoided it, as well as preserved our personal liberty. Rather than the national government getting its powers from the states, or the other way around where the state gets its power from the national government, they receive it from the people. As this is a system of government for the people, by the people. The advantages and disadvantages of federalism have always been up for debate by the people. Some argue that federalism’s advantages are that it promotes state loyalties by allowing Americans to feel connected or closeness with their state being that federalism with holds that connection because they have given power to its states. Another advantage of federalism is that it uses common sense, in the running of a country with such a diverse population like the United States. Power is given to state and local officials to deal with certain problems, as it is easier being that they understand the problems in the area and would know the best policy to put in place to solve any issues. Lastly, federalism makes certain to prevent tyranny and the separation of powers by making sure that state governments function independently if all three branches of federal government are taken control of by a person and or group. By doing this federalism implements our governmental structure of liberty. Some of Federalism’s disadvantages on the other hand are that federalism has been preventing the creation of a national policy. Rather than have a single policy on certain issues, instead the United States has multiple policies on issues which in the end causes a lot of confusion for the people. Secondly, federalism leads to the inability to appoint accountability. This being because the boundaries of the national and state government overlap, it makes it a lot harder for anyone to point blame on one of the governments specifically when policies fail. Finally, federalism continues to allow state and local areas to discriminate against race as well as the most common issue recently of allowing the discrimination of a person’s sexual preference of being gay or lesbian. Since the ratification of the Constitution American federalism has changed in so many ways. One of this ways being that before the ratification of the Constitution there was only federal and state governments, but now we have lots of governments within the federal and state. For example, we now have townships, municipals, city, and county governments. In my opinion it is great that this change has happened being that sometimes it is easier for these local governments to handle certain local issues as they know what exactly would work best for their local area to help resolve whatever problem is going on. Another thing is that the ratification of the Constitution strengthened the National government. Prior to the ratification the Articles of Confederation gave a lot of power to the states to do as they pleased. Ratification specifically laid out what states did not have the power to do. A lot of what has happened to federalism since the Constitution was ratified has been specifically based off what is happening at that moment in time. For me one major disadvantage of federalism that most relevant to me would be the discrimination against same gay marriages. This issue hits a specific nerve in me because of the close relation I have to the issue. As my mother is a lesbian, and has been with her partner for almost 15 years and though their relationship is like any other of a man and women they are not allowed to get married. I find it to be wrong that some states have legalized gay marriage whereas other such as Florida bans gay marriage and continues to discriminate against the issue. As of right now this issue is in the Supreme Court awaiting ruling and all me and my family can do is hope for the best. The federal government has definitely increased in size over the years though legislation. Every time Congress or the President establishes a federal act such as the Disabilities Act or Fair Pay Act the federal government grows in size. The same goes for every time the Supreme Court rules on a case that mandates civil liberties to all states the government grows in size and power.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and benefits associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for challenges of valuing unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONISDERATION 1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public? 2)What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue’s shares? 3)At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares? Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public Offering and why is it such a big deal? Is going public, particularly at the time they did, a good idea for JetBlue? * What do you believe JetBlue stock is really worth? * Does the financial forecast in case Exhibit 13 seem reasonable? * What are the key assumptions in the IPO valuation? * Is the length of the forecast period within the IPO valuation (exhibit 13) reasonable? * What discount rate is appropriate for the cas h flow forecast? * How would you suggest estimating the terminal value? What assumptions have you made? How have your assumptions affected the estimated value of JetBlue shares? IntroductionAfter the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, it was upset deeply because of the safety for the airline industry in the United States. The passenger demand suddenly reduced and many flights cancelled afterwards, which led a lot of American airlines declared bankruptcy afterwards, including US Airways and United Airlines. It was a challenging time for airline industry, however, David Neeleman, the CEO and Founder of JetBlue Airways, discovered an opportunity for the company. Barely two years after its foundation, the company decided to raise additional capital through initial public offering (IPO).This report is aimed to apply financial theories and concepts into analyse the real case study of JetBlue Airline. Firstly, the background of JetBlue will be introduced briefly. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of going public for JetBlue will be discussed in the following pages. In addition, the share valuation of JetBlue IPO will be estimated based on several assumptions. Last but not least, the recommendation will be provided in the last past of this report. Background JetBlue was founded by David Neeleman in 1999, which looked to fulfil the purpose of â€Å"humanity back to air travel†.By following the low-cost model of Southwest Airlines, JetBlue pursued to offer passengers an enjoyable flying experience by providing in-flight entertainment, comfortable room and high-quality customer service. In addition, in order to organise a strong and experienced working team, Neeleman employed several skilled senior managers, comprising of David Barger who was a former vice president of Continental Airlines to be president and COO and John Owen who was executive vice president and former treasurer of Southwest Airlines to be CFO in JetBlue.Moreover, as the founder of Jet Blue, Neeleman have own extensive experience with airline start-ups from managing low-fare flights during university period. Based on the explicit marketing strategy of JetBlue, barely less than one year, the company increased the routes to other cities in America and it continued to grow rapidly to 17 destinations in early 2002.And not only that, JetBlue adopted the active measures to increase expenditures for security by setting up equip cockpits with bulletproof doors and security cameras, which enhanced the confidence of US residences to take flights under the circumstance of few people was afraid of flying after September 11 hijackings. Advantages and disadvantages of going public Refer to Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2011), initial public offerings are stocks issued by a formerly privately owned company that is going public, which means that selling stock to the public for the first time.According to Rothberg, the following table are shown some advantages and disadvantages of going public. Pros| Cons| Potentially large bonuses for business owners| High explicit cost – roughly 7% of the funds raised| Ability to raise additional capital rapidly in the future| Pressure to meet investor expectations| Attraction and retention for the valuable talents| Less control on make business decisions – decisions should be based on the interest of shareholders and investors other than owners themselves| Easy to sell ownership shares when owners exit business or retire| Reporting disclosure on regular basis| Access to capital markets| |In relation to this case, JetBlue aimed to raise additional capital through an IPO in order to support company’s growth and offset portfolio losses by investors. Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration statement with security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September 11, 2001. However, based on the September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but several events happened negatively affected the global economy during the period of going public for JetBlue.For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe during taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The increasing oil price also raised the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another negative condition could be the economic downturn, including crash of the dot-com bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point of view, it seemed not to be an appropriate time to going public. However, faced with the weak financial markets, JetBlue measured the targeted strategies and made success in profitable operations.And IPO market is never dead for good company with real revenues and real earnings just like JetBlue. It then turned out that it was a suitable time for JetBlue to IPO during the economic downturn though. JetBlue’s shares valuation There are various methods to value s hares for a company, including free cash flow to equity (FCFE) method discounted by WACC, free cash flow to firm (FCFF) method discounted by cost of equity, dividend discount model and relative valuation techniques. Since JetBlue had not paid out any dividends on common stock, dividend discount model cannot be used to estimate company share value.In addition, FCFF method do not consider the effect of interest payment, however, as mentioned in the case, the Federal Reserve had attempted to stimulate economic activity by reducing interest rates. Therefore, from my point of view, it was more appropriate to value JetBlue share by FCFE method to consider the consequences of interest rate. The assumptions are made for evaluate JetBlue share value as follows. The long-run growth rate was expected to be 7% annually. And the company would have survived and would be a typical firm with an estimated cost of equity of 15% in 2010.Last but not least, the appropriate discount rate was assumed to be 30%. Additionally, there was a quite weird number disappeared in the Exhibit 13, which was the expected inflation rate was 4 times in 2002 than other years. After changing it back to the normal, the share value then could be calculated to be around $24. 60 per share. (Appendix 1) Recommendation Based on the assumptions, the calculated consequence is identical to the initial offering prices which ranged from initial price to implemented offering price ($24 to $25).Faced with sizable excess demand to potential investors, JetBlue took the appropriate measure to increase share value in order to avoid â€Å"money leave on the table†. In the long run, I believe that JetBlue will still grow at a stable stage as the innovative spirit and seasonable measures to the different types of events. Therefore, JetBlue’s stock was worth for the potential and incoming investors. We prepared to retristrict initial registration with SEC for the IPO on September 11, 2001. Based on the ev ent of that morning, we didnot .We waited until stock market settled down. We returned the profitability in November and December. We started to issue IPO gain in Christmas time. Obviously, we modified the document a bit. High growth, low cost profitable airline has rebounded substantially in the market place. It was a very good stands to do the IPO for JetBlue. Even though it was 2002, the IPO market was pretty much dead, the IPO market is never dead for good company with real revenues and real earnings. So we were confident even a small amount of – John Owen registration statement with underwritersFCFF we do not consider the effect of interest payment 1) In FCFF, we use EBIT (1-t) whereas in FCFE, we use Net Income; this is because while using EBIT (1-t) in FCFF we do not consider the effect of interest payment as mentioned above. 2) IN FCFE, we use Change in Non- Cash Working Capital*(1-D) – Capital expenditure*(1-D) whereas in FCFF we use Change in Non-Cash Working Capital – Capital Expenditure; this is because we just want to concentrate on cash flow due to equity only. Reference Bodie Z. , Kane, A. , & Marcus, A. J. (2011).Investments (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill Rothberg F. The Pros and Cons of Going Public. Retrieved from http://www. cfoedge. com/resources/articles/cfo-edge-the-pros-and-cons-of-going-public. pdf Appendix (Appendix 1: Share valuation of JetBlue Airways) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Bodie Z. , Kane, A. , & Marcus, A. J. (2011). Investments (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill [ 2 ]. Rothberg F. The Pros and Cons of Going Public. Retrieved from http://www. cfoedge. com/resources/articles/cfo-edge-the-pros-and-cons-of-going-public. pdf

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Trinity Community Hospital

Trinity Community Hospital Introduction In the past, Trinity Community Hospital has conducted community health needs assessment to establish health related needs of the community. The process entails continuous improvement of the plan depending on the dynamic nature of health needs in the community (Nardi Petr, 2003).Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Trinity Community Hospital specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After sometime therefore, there has emerged the need for appraising the initial assessment in order to improve the overall plan in line with the current needs of the patients within the community. This is a community health needs assessment that seeks to point out and discuss some of the major health risk factors of the community. Besides, the paper will elucidate on ways that Trinity Community Hospital is addressing the needs discussed. Finally, the establishment of the existing health gaps will provide an important background upon which health planners in the hospital will draw recommendations. Discussion: Major Health and Risk Factors Oncology Services It is apparent in the case study that there are major risk factors that impede Trinity Hospital’s ability to address the community health needs. First, there is an increased demand for oncology services across the entire community. Coupled with the fact that the seniors will constitute 15% of the entire community’s population, the demand is poised to rise dramatically. Besides, health experts estimate that cancer will develop amongst 50% of the male population throughout their lifetimes. For women, they have a slightly lower chance of developing cancer that stands at around 33%. Subsequently, there is an increased risk of more cancer patients in the immediate future leading to heightened demand for oncology services across the entire area. While the above figures reveal the increasing demand for the services, the existing facilities remain hugely unable to address the growing demand. The rationale is that different facilities that provide the services are unable to match the need for the services. The patients are increasing exponentially with a level that can rarely be addressed by the current capacity of health providers. This implies that in future, the community faces a huge risk where the number of patients will be so large that the facilities will be overwhelmed. In particular, the facilities to diagnose and treat cancer at an early stage have been unable to meet this demand.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sensitization and information dissemination has been ineffective with only few programs initiated to fulfill these goals. As such, lack of appropriate information regarding ways in which an individual can get early diagnoses creates a gap that further complicates the treatment procedure since the diagnosis is usually delayed. Besides, late cancer diagnosis stresses the capacity of the hospital’s facilities despite reduced probability for recovery and successful treatment. Orthopedic Services There is an increasing need for orthopedic services within the community. Orthopedic services include services that aim at treating the physical injuries such as spine and joints dislocations. At the outset, the community faces a surge in the numbers of people seeking both inpatients and outpatient orthopedic services. They include joint and spine procedures that estimates indicate that there will be a rise of 30% in the coming half a decade. Despite these numbers, the current facilities will not be able to meet the health needs of the community members seeking orthopedic services. This is in consideration of the fact that the financial resources at the disposal of hospitals are meager. Coupled with the inability of the hospital facilities to offer orthopedic services, the nu mber of physicians across the entire country can barely match that of patients. Such facilities as imaging equipment, surgical suites, physical therapy, and rehab facilities are apparently inadequate to cater for patients needs. This is not only in the community but also across the whole country. Besides, the existing services have deficiencies and are not effective, as the community would wish to see. Such professionals as patient care coordinators are lacking in many facilities leading to delays in scheduling of service provision. Finally, the community lacks information on the important aspects of orthopedic services. Ideally, there are limited numbers of educational programs that aim at enhancing knowledge on accident prevention, healthy lifestyles, service providers and the orthopedic procedures. Besides, the few available programs should target the elderly and majority of the people within the community that participates in the fitness activities and athletics. Cardiovascular services The rising demand for both orthopedic and oncology services imply that there is an expected increase in the demand for cardiovascular services within the community. An estimated rise of 21% in the rates of coronary artery diseases is apparent. Besides, the number of people seeking diagnostic cardiovascular services within the community is expected to increase by around 22% while angioplasties will increase by 25% within the same period.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Trinity Community Hospital specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Like in other primary services areas, there is the need for additional facilities and health care providers to deliver high quality services to the patients. The rationale is that the current resources and equipments are way below the demand for similar services. It would imply therefore that the community suffers inadequacies for cath labs’ services, surgical suites as we ll as the cardiac rehab capacity. The gap that health care providers should seek to bridge entails the provision of information on cardiac risk factors and information regarding healthy living and lifestyle. There is a noticeable lack of information in the community, which may predispose the people to cardiovascular diseases. This inturn may lead to an increased demand for the services more than before. Trinity Community Hospital and community Health Needs It is imperative to notice that the hospital has gone outside its way to address some of the needs of the community. Particularly, Trinity Community Hospital has increased its collaboration with oncologists that have received certification from the board. Although it lacks a formal oncology department, the hospital has attempted to address these needs by liaising with the physicians to treat and diagnose cancer. Nonetheless, the numbers of physicians that are available to meet all the demands of the patients are very few. In fact, a few cancer specialists have continued to maintain privileges in the hospital. Considering that the demand for health services continue to rise, there is the need for the hospital to increase its capacity to deal with the imminent increase in the number of patients seeking oncology services. Further, the hospital rarely meets the needs of the community members seeking orthopedic services. Like oncology services, there is no a formal department within the hospital that address the needs of the community. However, the hospital’s competitors who are located near the hospital’s orthopedic groups address the needs of the community. This makes it impossible for the hospital to have fulltime orthopedic specialists whose surgeries are occasional. It is therefore critical for the hospital to increase its activities especially those that relate to orthopedic operations within the area. Moreover, the hospital has not been proactive in making cardiology services available to the community. The hospital lacks any formal program that deals with cardiovascular diseases. It hugely depends on the consultancy services offered by four cardiologists who have limited roles. Their current roles include consulting for physicians in the aim of addressing the needs of the patients that are already admitted in the hospital.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apparently, the hospital lacks elaborate facilities and equipments that would provide cardiology services to the community. Trinity hospital has no a diagnostic â€Å"cath† and as such, it embarks on ordering noninvasive studies. They include echocardiograms, â€Å"holter† monitoring and stress tests. The community therefore fails to see the hospital as effective in addressing their needs that relate to cardiology services. The hospital has the ability of offering basic support services to the community. First, the hospital has over 20 operating rooms that include an Emergency Room (ER) services. Additionally, the physical and radiology services are readily available within the facility. For patients requiring orthopedic, oncology or cardiology services, the hospital is well equipped to offer support services although there remains a gap in the number of physicians and complex curative services. The major risk that faces the community involves the inability of the memb ers to access information that relates to many medical conditions. There is an information gap in the society. People lack the information that relates to diagnoses and treatment of cancer, injuries and cardiovascular diseases. The hospital still lacks an elaborate sensitization and information dissemination strategy through which members of the community can access most basic information mainly for preventive care. The hospital is yet to embark on a preventive care services that amplify the importance of early diagnoses of cancer, healthy living and services location. According to health care experts, an early diagnosis boosts the chances of the patient to access early treatment, which can be highly effective (Nardi Petr, 2003). In fact, it is dependent on the amount of information that community accesses. Similarly, preventive care would hugely focus on the health lifestyles and ways that people can minimize their risk factors. Finally, Trinity Community hospital also suffers imm ensely from diminished financial resources. To accomplish all its goals of providing health care services to the community, huge amount of finances is required. The financial constraints have resulted from high levels of competition from other hospitals within the community that are able to provide health care services comfortably as opposed to Trinity Community Hospital. Needs assessment plan and recommendations To address the needs of the communities effectively, it is important for Trinity Community Hospital to embark on a strategy that depicts both short term and long-term goals. First, there is the apparent need to include oncology services as short-term objectives. The number of people seeking such services has soared and the demand for such services is expected to rise exponentially in the period of five years. Hence, the group that is composed of both medical and radiation oncologists should be the key to developing an elaborate cancer program within the facility. This impli es that the hospital will be able to offer oncology services in the coming days without having to delay, as there are oncologists who have already expressed interest of affiliation. On the other hand, long-term efforts of establishing a cancer program ought to incorporate hospital’s oncologists and effective equipment that will go a long way in facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Second, orthopedic services are rarely offered in the hospital. The rationale has been that the hospital’s orthopedic groups are located within the same area as the competitors. To avert the risk of high competition, the hospital ought to establish these orthopedic branches across the community. This will reduce the risk of centralization of orthopedic services in one and the only branch. By decentralizing the services, the community will appreciate the hospital’s desire to address their needs since the branches will devolve the services (Bosworth, 1999). As a long-term measure of addressing community orthopedic services needs, the hospital ought to establish a program that will deal with all orthopedic issues within the community. It is apparent that the hospital lacks such a department. Third, the hospital needs to introduce a cardiology program, which is evidently lacking. Despite the hospital’s ability to have four cardiologists, their current roles are ineffective. As aforementioned, the cardiologists only consult on behalf of the inpatients only. As such, the hospital needs start a program that has well qualified cardiologists and increase their equipment to include diagnostic â€Å"cath† among many others. Besides, the hospital should be willing to ensure that it is able to conduct noninvasive studies instead of ordering services from other service providers. This will dispel the perception that the hospital is unable to provide high quality services in comparison with its competitors. Finally, all these programs should be focu sing on preventive care. As noted, there is an apparent information gap within the community. All the departments should engage in a rigorous activity of ensuring that information that relates to oncology, cardiology and orthopedic is disseminated to the community. Besides, there is the need for the community to embrace healthy living as the most important way through which their needs will be addressed. All these efforts will see the hospital increase its revenue base that has largely been constrained. As Bosworth (1999) elucidates, the hospital should be wary that the efforts require immense resources and the goals may not be realized in the immediate future. As such, there should be both short term and long-term goals in the strategy that will see the establishment of at least three programs. Summary Conclusively, Trinity Community Hospital is located in a society that has many health needs. Community health needs assessment elucidate the community has four major needs that the h ospital has failed to address. First, the society lacks access to oncology services that includes cancer diagnoses and treatment. Second, orthopedic services are offered in only one branch that fails to meet the needs of the community due to competition. Third, cardiology services remain elusive for the community. Despite the apparent lack for these services, demand for these services have increased exponentially and continue to increase. As a strategy, the hospital ought to establish departments that deal with these services. This will not only help in addressing the community needs but will play a big role in enhancing information dissemination in the society about preventive care. References Bosworth, W. (1999). Community Health Needs Assessment: The Health Care Profession’s Guide to Evaluating the Needs in Your Defined Market. New York: McGraw-Hill. Nardi, D. Petr, J. (2003). Community health and Wellness assessment: a step-by-step Guide. Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage L earning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Canadas Provinces and Territories

Canada's Provinces and Territories Canada is the worlds second largest country based on area. In terms of governmental administration, the country is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Canadas provinces differ from its territories because they are more independent of the federal government in their ability to set laws and maintain rights over certain characteristics of their land such as natural resources. Canadas provinces get their power from the Constitution Act of 1867. By contrast, Canadas territories get their power from the federal government of Canada. The following is a list of Canadas provinces and territories, ranked in order of the 2008 population. Capital cities and area have been included for reference. Canadas Provinces 1) Ontario Population: 12,892,787 Capital: Toronto Area: 415,598 square miles (1,076,395 sq km) 2) Quebec Population: 7,744,530 Capital: Quebec City Area: 595,391 square miles (1,542,056 sq km) 3) British Columbia Population: 4,428,356 Capital: Victoria Area: 364,764 square miles (944,735 sq km) 4) Alberta Population: 3,512,368 Capital: Edmonton Area: 255,540 square miles (661,848 sq km) 5) Manitoba Population: 1,196,291 Capital: Winnipeg Area: 250,115 square miles (647,797 sq km) 6) Saskatchewan Population: 1,010,146 Capital: Regina Area: 251,366 square miles (651,036 sq km) 7) Nova Scotia Population: 935,962 Capital: Halifax Area: 21,345 square miles (55,284 sq km) 8) New Brunswick Population: 751,527 Capital: Fredericton Area: 28,150 square miles (72,908 sq km) 9) Newfoundland and Labrador Population: 508,270 Capital: St. Johns Area: 156,453 square miles (405,212 sq km) 10) Prince Edward Island Population: 139,407 Capital: Charlottetown Area: 2,185 square miles (5,660 sq km) Canadas Territories 1) Northwest Territories Population: 42,514 Capital: Yellowknife Area: 519,734 square miles (1,346,106 sq km) 2) Yukon Population: 31,530 Capital: Whitehorse Area: 186,272 square miles (482,443 sq km) 3) Nunavut Population: 31,152 Capital: Iqaluit Area: 808,185 square miles (2,093,190 sq km) To learn more about Canada visit Canada Maps section of this website. Reference Wikipedia. (9 June 2010). Provinces and Territories of Canada - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_and_territories_of_Canada

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How to create competitive advantage for Chinese companies Dissertation

How to create competitive advantage for Chinese companies - Dissertation Example The Chinese firms have been internationalizing because of the motives both at the firm level and the national level. At the national level, the government’s intent to become the economic superpower and to utilize the foreign exchange reserves drove the Chinese firms to seek overseas opportunities. At the firm level, the Chinese firms were motivated to internationalize in order to acquire resources from the western countries in the form of knowledge, products, technology and strategic position to secure raw materials. However, they ventured into foreign markets without preparing themselves for the challenges that lie ahead. The first and foremost challenge is the Country-of-origin (COO) perception which lends a negative brand image in the minds of the consumers. Other challenges faced by Chinese firms include system inefficiency, technical challenges and capital constraints. Because of the cultural heritage there is excessive government intervention and bureaucracy. The Chinese managers have limited understanding of the local tastes, habits and preferences. They lack in service efficiency and they are conservative in spending on advertising and promotional activities. An evaluation of the theories and the strategy adopted by Haier can help the Chinese companies achieve competitive advantage. Findings reveal that the Chinese companies have to recognize that competitive advantage should be initially built on a smaller scale as small companies are better positioned to understand and satisfy customer needs. They can overcome the negative impact of COO by building a global brand through imagery, logos, slogans and other branding elements. Developing own brand is essential for emerging MNCs as they can face extinction against global companies if they enter the foreign market as the OEM. Targeting the lowest price position can ruin the brand image. Focusing on CSR activities to enhance the brand image can bring them at par with global brands. Incremental and sequential growth should be the strategy to enter foreign markets. Once established in the target market, the Chinese firms can then enter through mergers and acquisitions. The Chinese companies shou ld not focus on ownership as a pre-condition. Entering through alliances and joint ventures, help in controlling costs and enhancing learning opportunities. Overall, the study concludes that Haier pursued a different strategy for internationalization which other Chinese firms can emulate. Effective leadership, combined with global strategy of incremental growth, branding and innovation with investments in technology and developing core competencies can help the Chinese firms overcome the negative impact of the COO and compete against the global companies. The study concluded by suggesting other areas of research on the subject. Table of Contents Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background 1 1.2 History of competition 3 1.3 Competitive advantage 3 1.4 The Chinese economy and the MNCs 4 1.5 Rationale for the study 5 1.6 Research aims and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Worldcom Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Worldcom - Article Example He managed his company indirectly and took the firm’s money to spend it on personal purchases which were extravagant in nature. The extravagant lifestyle left him in debt when the company started posting losses. The stock that he took a loan with from the company was the same stock he had used as security for the startup fee of the firm. This is one thing that he kept from the board of directors. He had taken a loan of $415 million and yet he had promised a $1 billion to the creditors, this became a major problem when he failed to meet the financial targets the following year. With the company losing its grip on the share of the market, the 2002 economic downfall of communication companies served as a major blow to the entity. On March of the same year, the SEC investigated the financials of WorldCom which was an economic giant at the time. They found improprieties that led to a 7% drop in the share of the market. This was attributed to the $415 million loan to Ebbers. The firm survived on merger reserves from there on, more inconsistencies were discovered on the reporting of revenues and altering of financial

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Issues, Challenges and Strategies in Successful Implementation of an Essay

Issues, Challenges and Strategies in Successful Implementation of an HRIS Project - Essay Example This article presents a critical analysis of the need for HRIS, features required in HRIS, design & acquisition issues, cost benefits, implementation issues and acceptance issues. Gardner and Lepak et al. (2003) presented that the new role of HR professionals is more of "strategic partners to the business" whereby they are expected to understand the business objectives of the organization and align the HR practices with the business goals defined to fulfil the objectives. Hence the business objectives expand into the HR objectives & related goals that are essentially defined to enhance employee contribution by providing them essential guidance, resources & support and to manage essential transformations & changes required in maintaining the fundamental culture of the organization. The authors argue that IT systems act as the catalyst for human resources professionals in achieving HR goals. Enterprise Resource Planning systems integrate various functional (departmental) information systems across the company such that the information from all departments can be integrated and organized for unified MIS reporting to the senior management enabling them to take quick & effective decisions (Gupta & Kohli. 2006). Human Resources is one of the key departments of an organization and hence HRIS need to be an integral part of ERP. The key result areas for all employees are defined by their respective functional managers but closely monitored by the HR function by virtue of key performance indicators. Kaplan and Norton (1996) developed the balanced scorecard system that helps organizations to design & implement a performance measurement system in such a way that individual performance measures can be tangibly mapped with organizational performance. The author hereby argues that such an integrated framework requires the performance management system to be an integral part of the E RP such that performance appraisal cycles can be carried out by respective supervisors of the employees but human resources function can closely monitor the KPI metrics and map with other soft aspects of the individual in terms of punctuality, knowledge & skill enhancement, trainings, additional certifications achieved, etc. The integrated information of functional KPIs and soft aspects can help the HR function to assess the overall performance of the employees and identify employee development needs as well as take decisions on promotions, increments, rewards & recognitions. 3.0 Requirement Analysis for an

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pain Perception And Processing In Alzheimers Disease

Pain Perception And Processing In Alzheimers Disease Alzheimers patients feel pain as powerfully as others. Pain perception and processing are not diminished in Alzheimers disease, thereby raising concerns about the current inadequate treatment of pain in this highly dependent and vulnerable patient group. Pain activity in the brain was just as strong in the Alzheimers patients as in the healthy volunteers. In fact, pain activity lasted longer in the Alzheimers patients. Pain may be even more bewildering to more severely affected patients. The experience of pain may be more distressing for these patients on account of their impaired ability to accurately appraise the unpleasant sensation and its future implications. Doctors can use a tool called the Pain and Discomfort Scale or PADS. Its a system for evaluating pain based on facial expressions and body movements. People caring for someone with Alzheimers disease or other dementias can do an even better job than doctors can. Caregivers have an incredible capacity even beyond doctors to know the behavior of the person they are caring for and to look for the times they are in discomfort or pain. The trick is to watch the facial expressions and movements of patients when they are not in pain, both during sleep and waking hours. Using this as a baseline, you should be attentive to circumstances where they seem agitated, where eye contact is altered, where there is grimacing or a facial expression indicative of discomfort. As Alzheimers disease progresses towards the later stages, the ability of the affected person to communicate becomes increasingly compromised. Caregivers can no longer ask are you comfortable? or, are you in pain? and get a reliable answer. A caregiver has to interpret what behavior means. Are shouts, screams, severe withdrawal, aggression, due to confusion, something else, or are they signs of pain?   The way in which a normal person experience pain differs. Pain is a subjective experience. People who have problems communicating are disadvantaged. Research into the prevalence of pain in elders in nursing homes is estimated at between 40 and 80 percent. There is evidence that people with cognitive disabilities may have an even higher risk of being under-medicated for pain. Painful conditions such as arthritis, cancer, urine infections are sometimes not treated with painkilling medications. Even when people can communicate effectively research suggests that observers tend to assume that people over-report pain either verbally or in their facial expressions.   Effective pain management for people with dementia is a complex issue. Families and health professionals caring for people with dementia have to acquire new skills and it can be a rather hit and miss situation. The first step in pain management is assessment of the discomfort. Acute pain syndromes commonly follow injuries, surgical procedures, etc. and require standard analgesic or narcotic management. Acute pain syndromes are expected to last for brief periods of time, i.e., less than six months. Pain that persists for over six months is termed chronic pain. Chronic non-malignant pain requires a more complex strategy to minimize the use of narcotics and maximize non- pharmacological interventions. Acute pain rarely produces other long-term psychological problems, such as depression, although acute discomfort will produce distress manifested by acute anxiety or agitation in the demented patient. Mildly demented patients can become agitated or anxious with pain because they rapidly forget explanations or reassurances provided by staff. Amnestic individuals may forget to ask for PRN non-narcotic analgesics such as acetaminophen and these patients need regularly scheduled medications. Disoriented patients do not realize they are in a health care facility and aphasic patients may not comprehend the staffs inquiry about pain symptoms. The symptoms of pain expressed by patients with moderate to severe dementia include anxiety, agitation, screaming, hostility, wandering, aggression, failure to eat, and failure to get out of bed. A small number of demented individuals with serious injury may not complain of pain, e.g., hip fractures, ruptured appendix, etc. Assessment of pain in the demented patient requires verbal questioning and direct observation to assess for behaviors that suggest pain. Standardized pain assessment scales should be used for all patients; however, these clinical instruments may not be valid in persons with dementia or psychosis. The past medical history may be valuable in assessing the demented resident. Individuals with chronic pain prior to the onset of dementia usually experience similar pain when demented, e.g., compression fractures, angina, neuropathy, etc. These individuals can be monitored carefully and non-narcotic pain medication can be prescribed as indicated, e.g., acetaminophen on a regular basis, anticonvulsants for neuropathy. The management of pain in any person requires careful consideration about the contribution of each component of the pain circuit to the painful stimulus. Neuropathic pain is produced by dysfunction of the nerve or sensory organ that perceives and transmits noxious stimulus to the level of the spinal cord. Persons with serious back disease may have herniated discs that compress specific nerve roots. This pain is often positional and produces spasms of the musculature in the back. The brain interprets pain in a highly organized systematic pattern. Discrete brain regions interpret and translate painful stimuli from specific body regions, e.g., arm, leg, etc., misfire in that discrete brain region will misinform the person that pain or discomfort is being experienced in that limb or part of the trunk. A person who loses a limb from trauma or amputation may continue to experience painful sensations in the distributions for that limb termed phantom limb pain. Management of chronic pain involves three elements (1) physical interventions, (2) psychological interventions, (3) pharmacological interventions. Physical interventions include basic physiotherapy that incorporates warm or cool compresses, massage, repositioning, electrical stimulation and many other treatments. Dementia patients need constant reminders to comply with physical treatments e.g., using compresses, sustaining proper positioning, etc., and many do not cooperate with some interventions, like nerve stimulators or acupuncture. Physical interventions are particularly helpful in older persons with musculoskeletal pain regardless of cognitive status. Psychological interventions usually require intact cognitive function e.g., relaxation therapy, self-hypnosis, etc. Demented patients generally lack the capacity to utilize psychological interventions; however, management teams should provide emotional support to validate the patients suffering associated with pain. Demented patients may experience more suffering from pain than intellectually intact individuals because they lack the capacity to understand the cause of their discomfort. Fear, anxiety, and depression frequently intensify pain. Pharmacological management begins with the least toxic medications and follows a slow progressive titration until pain symptoms are controlled. Clinicians must distinguish between analgesia and euphoria. Some medications that appear to have an analgesic or pain relieving effect actually have an euphoric effect, which diminishes the patients concern about perceived pain. The goal of pain management is to remove the suffering associated with the painful stimulus rather than making the patient euphoric or high to the point where they no longer care whether they experience pain. Euphoria-producing medications can cause confusion, irritability, and behavioral liability in patients with dementia. Narcotic addiction is not a common concern in dementia patients as these individuals have a limited life expectancy and rarely demonstrate drug-seeking behaviors. Pharmacological interventions always begin with the least toxic, i.e., least confusing, medications. A regular dose of acetaminophen up to 4 grams per day will substantially diminish most pain and improve quality of life. Clinical studies show that regular Tylenol reduced agitation in over half the treated patients. Chronic arthritic pain with inflammation of the joints may also respond to non- steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) or Cox-2 inhibitors. The gastrointestinal toxicity associated with NSAIDS is greater than that of Cox 2 inhibitor medications. Patients who fail to respond to non-narcotic analgesics should receive narcotic-like medications, i.e., Tramadol. Patients who fail to respond to maximum doses of Tramadol, i.e., 300 mgs per day, may require narcotic medications.  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Medea Critical Lens Essay --

The play Medea, written by Euripides is a certain classic of the Greek era. The plot revolves around a woman who is divorced by her husband for another woman, Glauce, daughter of King Creon of Corinth and power. This causes her to become enraged and set on vengeance. In the play she states, â€Å"The glory of one’s life is to be generous with one’s friends and merciless with one’s enemies.† She then goes on to destroy those around her, and to further destroy the semblance of a life she had. This statement hold truth, and is relative to the Golden Rule that states, â€Å"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.† Medea is saying that one should do good for their friends and should treat their enemies as one would be expected to be treated: without mercy. This is shown in King Creon of Corinth’s actions towards the other characters in the play, as well as in the actions of To Kill a Mockingbird’s Arthur Radley. K ing Creon and Arthur Radley both show a lack of mercy towards their enemies and show kindness towards their family and/or acquaintances. King Creon is introdu...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Proposal for Family Life Education Essay

Studies show that the national average for an adolescent’s first sexual intercourse encounter is seventeen years old. Despite this number being very close to the average age in other industrialized countries, the United States holds a higher percentage of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD) contraction than those countries (Harper et al, 2010, p. 125). It’s becoming evident that while a majority of the nation’s youth is sexually active, they are not doing so with the appropriate knowledge to keep themselves and others healthy. It’s been proven that if parents were to educate students about sex education, healthy sexual behaviors might increase. Many parents, however, refuse to do this because they feel that talking about sex with youth will make them have sex, ignoring the fact that whether the youth are talked to or not, they are having sex. It has even been stated that some teens prefer to get the information from their parents, as opposed to other educators (Zamboni & Silver, 2009, p. 58 – 59). Unfortunately, if the parents refuse to talk to the students about sex, they become sexually active without this crucial information. As the rates of STDs and teenage pregnancies rise in our country, youths between the ages of 12 and 20 years old could definitely benefit from the introduction of a family life education program focused on teaching the difference between healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviors. A program known as Youth Understanding Sexual Health (YUSH) would be the perfect venue for doing just this. A program developed for teens in middle and/or high school, YUSH is a seven week program that seeks to ensure that these youths realize the difference between healthy and unhealthy behaviors, the consequences and results of participating in both, and how to make sure that they avoid negative, harmful, and otherwise unhealthy sexual behaviors. By instilling this information into the children at early ages before or soon after they have begun to participate in sexual behaviors, the program will meet several crucial goals. First, it will get these students in to a routine of practicing healthy sexual behaviors that they can take with them well into adulthood. Not only will this maintain their own sexual health, but it will protect their other potential sex partners. Second, the new knowledge that the teens will gain from the program will allow them to pass on information to their peers that may not be allowed to participate in the program, be too embarrassed or shy to seek information, or been unable to attend the program sessions for any other reason. Other aspects of society reach popularity in similar manners, including music, movies, video games, dances, or slang, so this information can be expected to spread in a very similar manner. According to Powell & Cassidy (2007), when developing an effective family life education program, its important make sure that they needs of the audience are appropriately addressed (p. 79 – 80). Of the three needs, felt, ascribed, and future needs, both felt and ascribed needs can be determined before the program has started. In order to effectively determine these needs, the appropriate assessments must be taken. Prior to the start of the program, certified family life educators (CFLEs) will conduct an assessment by using focus groups and questionnaires from potential program attendees within the target audience. Since the target audience is composed of students that attend local middle and high schools, the CFLEs will send home two things to the parents of all of the potential students: a letter requesting permission for the teens to participate in the program, which details the material that will be discussed and the extent of the programs, along with a questionnaire for the student and parent to complete together which addresses the information that both parties feel should be addressed in such a program. In order protect confidentiality; the questionnaire will be a two part survey with one aspect for parents and one aspect for the students to fill out. Using the questionnaires from the parents and information from the schools and community, CFLEs will be able to determine the ascribed needs of the program. The information obtained from the students’ surveys will reveal the felt needs of the program. The final category of needs, future needs, will be addressed throughout the duration of the program and will be met through a combination of student comprehension and effective facilitation by CFLEs. If YUSH seeks success, another thing that Powell & Cassidy (2007) suggest is well trained and effective educators. CFLEs will undergo extensive training in which they will learn to fully accept their roles as facilitators, exhibit effective listening skills and communication skills, and how to encourage the youth to participate in the program’s discussions and activities (p. 92 – 112). The National Council of Family Relations (NCFR) (2011) explains that there are certain requirements necessary before an individual can be a CFLE and this involves either graduating from an approved program or taking the CFLE exam. In addition to that certification, and in order to specialize in sexual health, YUSH facilitators will be trained to have a complete understanding of the material and how to appropriately present the information to the teens by means of seminars, training kits, and manuals. Qualified facilitators and understanding of the appropriate needs of the target audience are only two aspects of ensuring that YUSH is a successful program. A location and time for the program’s meeting must be established, as well as the frequency of meetings. When choosing a location, it’s important to make sure that there will be privacy, comfort, and no distractions. The location must be appropriate for the size of the group. With such a large target audience, it will be necessary to have several different groups. The groups can be separated by grade, with about 20 – 25 students in each group. These groups would meet during their health classes during school hours, but without regular teachers and/or administrators in the rooms, so that the adolescents feel comfortable. The curriculum of the YUSH program takes place once a week for seven weeks, with approximately 1 ? hour sessions each week. Each week will have a different topic to focus on with the schedule as follows: Week 1: Introduction to Sexual Health, Opening Questions and Concerns Week 2: Sexual Myths Week 3: Decision-Making, Abstinence Week 4: Protecting Yourself/Contraceptives Week 5: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Week 6: Risky Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Violence Week 7: Re-Cap, Evaluations, Final Concerns During the first session, YUSH facilitators will lead the youth in icebreakers to introduce themselves to one another as well as complete opening surveys that address what each student expects to take away from the program. Also, within this session, there will be questions posed by students to be asked at that time or at the end of the program. Rules of the program will be explained, including maintaining respect for others and their privacy. Participation should be encouraged and questions welcomed (Powell & Cassidy, 2007, p. 103 – 105). YUSH presenters will use a variety of presentation methods in each of the courses including a formal method or informal. Using Week 5’s topic of STDs as an example, the formal method would involve a lecture format with handouts, notes and power point presentations. CFLE would have teens identify what they have learned through this information with quizzes and tests. The quizzes, which would be a combination of fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice answers, will address the different types of STDs, how to contract them, how they are spread, the symptoms of each and how to treat them. This method would also involve the distribution of pamphlets and brochures to sum up the week’s discussion. An informal method of presenting the information involves using games and scenarios to enhance the teens’ understanding of STDs. A Jeopardy format in which youth match symptoms to disease might also be an effective means of presenting the information. YUSH facilitators would also have the option of using various scenarios and role play models to show the ways that STDs are spread, contracted and treated. The Department of Public Health of Seattle and King County (2011) suggests an interactive activity for showing the ways that STDs spread by using several small cups of water, one cup with a water/vinegar mixture, and several pH paper slips. During several different rounds, students will mix the contents of their cups with other students. At the end of the activity, students dip their test strips to see who might be potentially â€Å"infected. † After someone has interacted with the vinegar mixture, or someone else who has interacted with that mixture, they are more than likely infected. The activity shows that even though it may not be visibly noticeable (because the vinegar mixture is still clear like the water); it’s easily spread if no protection is used. The fact that some students may have noticed the vinegar smell shows that though sometimes the symptoms may be noticeable, they can still be overlooked by others (p. 2 – 8). Another informal method of presenting the topics of the week would be via interactive methods such as projects, guest speakers, and field trips which exemplify that week’s information. Guest speakers would be extremely effective during Week 4’s discussion of protection and contraceptives. In this example, guest speakers would come from various family planning centers to show students the various contraceptives options that they can choose from and explain how to decide which ones best fit their lifestyles. Finally, the reasons for supporting and bringing this program to life will be evident in the evaluations of the program’s effectiveness, determined in the last week of YUSH and in the weeks afterwards. According to Powell & Cassidy (2007), the best way to determine the effectiveness of a family life, more specifically sexual education program, is to witness the changes in behaviors and attitudes (p. 185). As rates of teenage pregnancy and STDs decrease in areas that will have adopted the YUSH program, it will be very apparent that the program has worked and that youth were paying attention in the courses. Furthermore, surveys and questionnaires will be distributed on the last day of the program which will seek to determine how participants and parents feel about the knowledge gained in the program. The last day of class will also be used to wrap up the course by answering questions that haven’t been answered thus far and taking suggestions about any necessary aspects of the program. As a follow-up to the program, CFLEs will send additional newsletters to participants as well as invite them back to be program assistants at the next session of YUSH. References Department of Public Health: Seattle & King County (2011, January 1). STD Risks. Family Life and Sexual Health. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from http://www. kingcounty. gov/healthservices/health/personal/famplan/educators/FLASH. aspx Harper, C. , Henderson, J. , Schalet, A. , Becker, D. , Stratton, L. , & Raine, T. (2010). Abstinence and Teenagers: Prevention Counseling Practices of Health Care Providers Serving High-Risk Patients in the United States. Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, 42(2), 125-132. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from the EBSCO database. National Council on Family Relations. (2011, January 2). CFLE Certification. NCFR. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from http://www. ncfr. org/ Powell, L. H. , & Cassidy, D. (2007).